Minutes - TRIPS Council - View details of the intervention/statement

Ambassador Mero (United Republic of Tanzania)
World Trade Organization
10 Fourteenth Annual Review under Paragraph 2 of the Decision on the Implementation of Article 66.2 of the TRIPS Agreement
317. We are very conscious that it is not least because we had to process all those words too. We are conscious that this a lot of information that is difficult to get access to and that is unfortunately the reason why it is not available at the moment in all working languages – simply because it is a very large translation task. Nonetheless the reports will be issued as soon as possible in all WTO working languages. 318. However, the idea that we are moving towards an online platform, exactly as the Chair has mentioned, should mean that the reports will be easier to prepare and submit, will be quicker to process and will be easier to consult and translate so that the flow of information should be much easier and more rapid in terms of access to even the translated versions. The fact that Members have taken a lot of trouble to format the reports in a tabular form has been enormously helpful and will help us transition towards a more workable system. We are very grateful for Members for helping us in that regard. 319. Furthermore, as was mentioned this morning, we will be working towards developing a portal or a gateway that Members can use to consult, to access this information and for those who have a particular interest in this area or other areas, we would be delighted to sit down with them at a quieter time to get their guidance on what is most useful in terms of accessing this material. 320. Finally as the delegation of Benin has mentioned, on behalf of the LDC Group, there are a number of questions taken on notice at the Workshop yesterday. I have been asked to quickly mention that we will be circulating those questions directly to the Members concerned and would invite them to reply to the questions. In discussions yesterday, it looked like a reply sometime in January might be feasible. That would enable us – or you as delegates – to have a look at the answers in time for the discussion at the next TRIPS Council meeting. So I just wanted to clarify that that was the informal agreement reached at the Workshop yesterday.
The Council took note of the statements made and agreed to revert to the matter at its next meeting.
49. The Chairman said that, under a Council decision of February 2003, developed country Members were to submit annual reports on actions taken or planned in pursuance of their commitments under Article 66.2. They were to provide new detailed reports every third year and updates in the intervening years. The fifth set of detailed annual reports under this procedure had been presented to the Council in October 2015. In June 2016, the Council had requested developed country Members to update their annual reports in time for the present meeting, and the Secretariat had circulated a reminder.

50. The Council had received updates to the annual reports from Japan, Australia, Switzerland, Norway, Canada, the United States and New Zealand, circulated in document IP/C/W/616 and addenda. The report submitted by the European Union and individual member States, namely Austria, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden and the United Kingdom, had been made available as a room document on documents online and would also be circulated as an addendum to document IP/C/W/616.

51. Paragraph 2 of the Council's Decision on the Implementation of Article 66.2 of the TRIPS Agreement explained that the annual review meetings provided Members with an opportunity to pose questions in relation to the information submitted and request additional information; discuss the effectiveness of the incentives provided in promoting and encouraging technology transfer to least developed country Members in order to enable them to create a sound and viable technological base; and consider any points relating to the operation of the reporting procedure established by the Decision.

52. Since some of the information had been received only very recently, and most of it was available only in its original language, the Chairman said that he intended to give Members an opportunity to make further comments on this information at the Council's next meeting.

53. At the request by LDC Members, the Secretariat had organized a workshop on transfer of technology under Article 66.2 back-to-back with the Council's end-of-year meeting. The ninth in the series of annual workshops had been held on 7 November 2016, bringing together LDC and developed country experts to discuss this matter at a very practical level, building on the earlier workshops. The Chairman said that he had personally taken part in and welcomed the constructive exchange of views that was useful to both LDC and developed country delegations. In order to record the questions posed to reporting developed country Members on the occasion of the previous workshop held on 19 October 2015, a compilation of these questions had been circulated to delegations.

54. The representatives of the European Union, Australia, the United States, Switzerland, Japan, New Zealand, Benin on behalf of the LDC Group and India took the floor.

55. The representative of the Secretariat took the floor.

56. The Council took note of the statements made and agreed to revert to the matter at its next meeting.

IP/C/M/83, IP/C/M/83/Add.1