Minutes - TRIPS Council - View details of the intervention/statement

Mr. S. Harbinson (Hong Kong)
B Arrangements for Cooperation with WIPO
13. The representative of Kenya said that Africa attached great importance to the question of TRIPS and that it was for this reason that the African Ministers of Trade had taken last October a political decision on this matter as part of their implementation of the Uruguay Round. Referring to the statement of the representative of WIPO, he said that it was gratifying to note the willingness of WIPO to cooperate closely with the WTO. When the ad hoc WIPO Working Group had met on 8 February 1995 last under his chairmanship, a representative of WTO had also made a statement on behalf of his Organization which had also been very helpful. He was therefore persuaded that there would be fruitful cooperation. After all, generally speaking, the WIPO and WTO served the same continents and states. While he was quite clear as to where WIPO stood on cooperation, he hoped to learn more about the modalities for cooperation as perceived by WTO Members.