Laws and Regulations under TRIPS Art. 63.2 - View details of the document

Netherlands Law on Plant Breeders Rights, the Seed and Planting Material Act (in Dutch: Zaaizaad- en Plantgoedwet), as well as the revision of the Seed and Planting Material Act (in Dutch). The revision is incorporated in the enclosed English and Dutch version of the Seed and Planting Material Act. This law regulates the plant breeders rights as well as the trade of seeds and planting materials in the Netherlands. The text of the consolidated version of the Law is reproduced below.
. In conformity with Article 63.2 of the TRIPS Agreement, please find enclosed the Dutch version and an English translation of the Netherlands Law on Plant Breeders Rights, the Seed and Planting Material Act (in Dutch: Zaaizaad- en Plantgoedwet), as well