Notifications under TRIPS Art. 4(d) - View details of the document

Without prejudice to the communication of additional information at a later stage, the Permanent Mission of Belgium to the United Nations Office and Other International Organizations of Geneva hereby notifies to the Secretariat of the World Trade Organization (WTO) the relevant texts in accordance with Article 4(d) ... of the TRIPS Agreement. 1. Notification under Article 4(d) For the purposes of legal security and without detriment to the scope of Article 4 of the TRIPS Agreement, Belgium notifies to the Council for Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property the following Treaties:* 1. Multilateral Treaties -Berne Convention of 9 September 1886 for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works; Brussels Act of 26 June 1948, in force since 1 August 1951; Stockholm Act of 14 July 1967, in force since 12 February 1975; - Universal Copyright Convention of 6 September 1952, in force since 31 August 1960; -European Agreement of 15 December 1958 concerning Programme Exchanges by means of Television Films, in force since 8 April 1962. 2. Bilateral Treaties -Convention of 30 August 1858 between Belgium and the Netherlands concerning the Reciprocal Guaranteeing of the Ownership of Scientific and Literary Works, in force since 1 April 1859; -Convention of 26 June 1880 between Belgium and Spain concerning Literary and Artistic Property, in force since 17 March 1881; -Convention of 10 April 1910 between Belgium and Romania for the Protection of Literary, Artistic and Photographic Works, in force since 15 June 1910; -Convention of 18/31 December 1913 between Belgium and Russia concerning the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works, in force since 19 February 1915. Notification of this Convention has been made subject to the renewal of the said Convention by the former Union of Soviet Socialists Republics following the 1917 Revolution.