Minutes - TRIPS Council - View details of the intervention/statement

Ambassador Eduardo Pérez Motta (Mexico)
R.i Report to the TNC
350. The representative of Argentina supported the Chairman's proposal that the Council's report to the TNC be factual and brief. In his view, there was a lack of consensus not only on the topic itself, but also on whether the extension of GI protection should be a topic for negotiation. This should be reflected in the report. He also expressed his support of the US proposal. He recalled that his delegation had presented document WT/MIN(01)/W/8 at Doha, in which it had already expressed its view that there was no mandate in the Declaration or the TRIPS Agreement to negotiate the extension of the additional protection and that this issue could not be treated as an implementation issue. In his delegation's view, the most adequate action that the Council could adopt was to prepare a factual report describing how the questions had been discussed and referring to the minutes of the meetings.