Minutes - TRIPS Council - View details of the intervention/statement

Ambassador Karen Tan (Singapore)
69. The representative of Bangladesh associated his delegation with the statement made by Tanzania and said that, in order to integrate them in the multilateral trading system, LDCs needed a level-playing field in the form of special and differential treatment. Technical assistance was one of the means to plug the inherent supply-side limitations of LDCs. As LDCs were the poorest Members of the WTO by definition, they deserved the utmost attention in regard to technical cooperation. He urged the developed country Members to fulfil their obligation to provide technical and financial cooperation to LDCs pursuant to TRIPS Article 67 to facilitate the implementation of the Agreement. Technical cooperation included appropriate assistance in preparation of laws and regulations on the protection and enforcement of intellectual property rights as well as the prevention of their abuse, commensurate with the level of the development of LDCs. It also included assistance towards establishing and strengthening of domestic offices and agencies, including training of personnel. Technical cooperation should not be contingent on the level of compliance with the TRIPS Agreement. LDCs needed adequate policy space and flexibilities to promote their social goals. In order to take advantage of the extension of the transition period granted to LDCs until 1 July 2013, LDCs needed assistance with respect to needs assessments in accordance with Article 67 of the Agreement and paragraph 3 of the TRIPS Council decision of 29 November 2005 in document IP/C/40. Concluding, he expressed his interest in any updates from developed country Members on their technical cooperation towards LDCs in general and Bangladesh in particular as per Article 67 of the TRIPS Agreement.