Minutes - TRIPS Council - View details of the intervention/statement

Mr. Martin Glass (Hong Kong, China)
29. The Chairman said that, since its meeting in March 2010, the Council had received a number of supplements and updates to earlier notifications of laws and regulations notified under Article 63.2 of the Agreement. Viet Nam had notified amendments to its Law on Intellectual Property and Penal Code, and a decree on sanctioning administrative violations of copyright and related rights; Hong Kong, China had notified amendments to its patents, designs and trademarks ordinances and layout designs regulation; and the United States has notified amendments to its trademark legislation. These notifications were being circulated in the IP/N/1/ series of documents. 30. The Chairman urged those Members whose initial notifications remained incomplete to submit the outstanding material without delay. She also reminded other Members of their obligation to notify any subsequent amendments of their laws and regulations without delay after their entry into force. He recalled that document IP/C/W/543, circulated at the Council session in October 2009, provided a detailed summary of the most recent notifications by each Member in its Annex 2 and encouraged Members to double check whether their notifications were up to date. He reminded in particular those Members who had made any changes to their laws and/or regulations to implement the Decision on TRIPS and Public Health and who had not yet notified such changes to the Council to do so. To date, the Secretariat had received notifications from Norway, Canada, India, the European Union, Switzerland, the Philippines and Singapore. 31. With respect to notifications of contact points under Article 69 for the exchange of information and cooperation on trade in infringing goods, he said that, since the Council's meeting in March, Guyana, Saint Kitts and Nevis, and Viet Nam had notified their respective contact points. In addition, updates to contact points notified earlier had been received from Ecuador, Germany, and the Czech Republic. These notifications had been circulated together with an updated list of all contact points in document IP/N/3/Rev.11.