Minutes - TRIPS Council - View details of the intervention/statement

Mr. Martin Glass (Hong Kong, China)
231. The Chairman said that the list of 15 pending requests for observer status in the TRIPS Council by other intergovernmental organizations was contained in document IP/C/W/52/Rev.12. Although the Council had recently made some progress on two requests, it had not been able to reach consensus on the other requests. At its last meeting, the Council had requested him to continue his consultations on the matter. These had focused on the two issues that the Council had discussed at its last meeting, namely the suggestion that the CBD Secretariat be invited to the Council's meetings on an ad hoc meeting-by-meeting basis; and the suggestion that the ad hoc meeting-by-meeting invitations to the secretariats of ARIPO and OAPI be converted into a permanent observer status. Unfortunately, he was not in a position to report any new thinking in respect to those issues.