Minutes - TRIPS Council - View details of the intervention/statement

Ambassador Dacio Castillo (Honduras)
2.2 Follow-up to other reviews already undertaken
11. The Chairman said that, as regards the reviews of national implementing legislation that had been initiated at the Council's meetings since April 2001, the reviews of three Members remained on the Council's agenda, namely those of Cuba; Fiji; and Saint Kitts and Nevis. 12. Since the Council's meeting in June 2012, Cuba had notified three Decree-Laws on Inventions and Registered Designs, on the protection of plant varieties, and on the Layout-Design of Integrated Circuits; as well as a Resolution on Rules on Biological Diversity, and a Resolution on Cuba's national industrial property system. In addition, it had provided responses to questions posed to it in connection with its review. These responses had been circulated in IP/Q/CUB/1. Some of the replies replaced the responses that Cuba had provided earlier, which had been circulated in document IP/C/W/321 and addenda.