Minutes - TRIPS Council - View details of the intervention/statement

H.E. Ambassador Lundeg Purevsuren

284.   Pursuant to Article 67 of the TRIPS Agreement, Canada is pleased to submit its annual report on the implementation of Article 67, which provides an update on Canada's activities concerning IP-related technical and financial cooperation for developing and LDC Members, covering the 20182019 period (document IP/C/W/655/Add.5). 285.   Canada undertakes a number of IP-related technical cooperation activities at the multilateral, plurilateral and bilateral levels. For instance, Canada closely collaborates with WIPO, as well as with the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Intellectual Property Rights Experts' Group (APEC-IPEG), which Canada currently chairs, and where Canada participates in regular discussions aimed at sharing information and best practices on IP rights. Canada also provides technical cooperation activities through the Canadian Intellectual Property Office (CIPO), Global Affairs Canada, the International Development Research Centre (IDRC), and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP). Other Canadian institutions that receive funding from the Government of Canada, such as the Centre for Trade Policy and Law and the University of Ottawa, are also involved in international technical cooperation efforts. 286.   Notable projects in 2019 report on the implementation of TRIPS Article 67 include CIPO's participation in an October 2018 Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) regional seminar for Latin American countries, as well as CIPO's September 2018 to August 2019 participation in the WIPO Programme of International Cooperation in the Search and Examination if Inventions (or ICSEI). As well, in June and July 2019, CIPO hosted and delivered an annual CIPO-WIPO Executive Workshop on Management Techniques in the Delivery of IP Services for senior officials from developing countries. CIPO also continues to provide webinars on IP and patents through Trade Facilitation Office (or TFO) Canada, for embassies, consulates and businesses from developing and emerging countries. 287.   Canada would be pleased to discuss these and other initiatives contained 2019 report on the implementation of TRIPS Article 67. We would like to thank those Members that have shared their views and experiences on this important topic so far, and look forward to furthering discussion on the topic of IP-related technical and financial cooperation for developing and LDC Members during the session.

The Council took note of the statements made and agreed to revert to the matter at its next meeting.
53.   The Chair recalled that the Council had agreed, at its meeting in June 2019, to hold the annual review of technical cooperation at the present meeting. Developed-country Members had been requested to update information on their technical and financial cooperation activities relevant to the implementation of the TRIPS Agreement. Other Members, who had also provided technical cooperation, were encouraged to share information on these activities. The Secretariat had issued an airgram on 21 June 2019 reminding developed-country Members of this request. Intergovernmental organizations, observers to the Council, and the WTO Secretariat had also been invited to provide information.
54.   The Council had received information from the following developed-country Members: Switzerland, Japan, the United States of America, Norway, Australia, and Canada. Their reports were being circulated in document IP/C/W/655 and addenda. The Council had also received an Advance Working Copy of the report from the European Union and some of its member States. It had been made available as a room document RD/IP/35, on documents online, and would also be circulated as an addendum to document IP/C/W/655 once finalized. The following intergovernmental organizations had also submitted updated information: the GCC, WHO, WCO, UNCTAD, ARIPO and WIPO. Their reports had been being circulated in document IP/C/W/654 and addenda. Updated information on the WTO Secretariat's own technical cooperation activities in the TRIPS area was available in document IP/C/W/658. He invited developed-country Members to introduce their reports on technical cooperation activities.
55.   The representatives of Canada; Japan; the European Union; the United States of America; Norway; Australia; Benin, on behalf of West African Economic and Monetary Union (WAEMU); and Bangladesh took the floor.
56.   The Chair invited the WTO Secretariat to inform the Council of its recent technical cooperation activities.
57.   The representative of the WTO Secretariat took the floor.
58.   The Chair invited the representatives of intergovernmental organizations to introduce their reports.
59.   The representatives of the Secretariats of the WHO, GCC, WIPO, ARIPO, UNCTAD, and the WCO took the floor.
60.   The Chair noted that most of the valuable information provided by Members and IGO observers had been received only very recently; and, that most of it was, so far, available only in its original language. He suggested that Members have an opportunity, at the next meeting of the Council, to make further comments on the information submitted for the meeting.
61.   The Council took note of the statements made and agreed to revert to the matter at its next meeting.
IP/C/M/93, IP/C/M/93/Add.1