Minutes - TRIPS Council - View details of the intervention/statement

H.E. Ambassador Xolelwa Mlumbi-Peter (South Africa)
World Trade Organization

216.   Many thanks, Chair, for providing the Secretariat with an opportunity to briefly present the revamped TRIPS Gateway page to delegations. 217.   As part of our continuing efforts to make the material on our webpage as user-friendly and accessible as possible to assist delegations that are looking for information resources, we have recently revamped the TRIPS Gateway page and also added new material. The webpage can be accessed at www.wto.org/trips. 218.   As you can see on the screen, the central column links to key resources, introducing the main features of the TRIPS Agreement, as well as specific topics, such as public health and technology transfer. Other parts link to pages dedicated to the work of the TRIPS Council, the TRIPS transparency mechanism, technical assistance and cooperation with other intergovernmental organizations. 219.   On the right-hand side, the Gateway page offers direct access to: a. the e-TRIPS Gateway and Submission System; b. legal and interpretative texts, including but not limited to the text of the amended TRIPS Agreement; c. a webpage dedicated to activities organized to commemorate 25 years of TRIPS. As you know, the Secretariat has organized a Virtual Symposium on 24 November 2020 to commemorate the occasion. This is followed by a series of webinars with relevant stakeholders to reflect on the past, present and future of the Agreement. Information and material from these events, as well as comments and recollections from experts and former TRIPS chairs will be made accessible through that webpage - so please go and check at www.wto.org/tripsat25 as this resource evolves d. the events calendar; e. the calendar of regular meetings and special sessions of the TRIPS Council with links to relevant documentation and agenda; and f. recent publications, including a direct link to the Trilateral Study. 220.   Finally, on the left hand side of the Gateway page, a link has been added to a new page on TRIPS and COVID-19. This page compiles information about the IP system and COVID-19 on the WTO's website in one place. It includes information about the work of the TRIPS Council in this area, as well as resources that have been made available by the WTO Secretariat, including links to: a. the regularly updated list of IP measures which we have considered under agenda item 3 of this meeting; b. an information note on the TRIPS Agreement and COVID-19, which was released in October 2020; and c. the standalone section of the Trilateral Study on an Integrated Approach to Respond to the COVID-19 Pandemic. 221.   While the revamped Gateway webpage is only one step towards a more comprehensive review of the TRIPS-related WTO webpages, we trust that it can usefully assist delegations in their search for information to build capacity regarding TRIPS matters.

The Council took note of the statements made.
48. The Chair recalled that, at its meeting in October 2020, the Council had conducted its annual review of technical cooperation, on the basis of reports submitted by developed country Members, and a number of Observer International Organizations. Since some information had been made available shortly before the meeting, it had been agreed that Members would have a further opportunity to make comments at this present meeting. She invited the Secretariat to provide a brief update on the TRIPS gateway page on the WTO website.
49. The representative of the Secretariat took the floor.
50. The representatives of Chile and Bangladesh took the floor.
51. The Council took note of the statements made.
IP/C/M/98, IP/C/M/98/Add.1