Minutes - TRIPS Council - View details of the intervention/statement

H.E. Ambassador Xolelwa Mlumbi-Peter (South Africa)

222.   My delegation would like to thank the Secretariat for this presentation on the new changes and presentation of the WTO webpage. We congratulate the Secretariat, particularly with regard to the excellent way that they have presented the information that has been of great use and has improved our access to that information. We hope that the Secretariat will continue working like this in the future and seeking the best ways to provide information on the WTO webpages.

The Council took note of the statements made.
48. The Chair recalled that, at its meeting in October 2020, the Council had conducted its annual review of technical cooperation, on the basis of reports submitted by developed country Members, and a number of Observer International Organizations. Since some information had been made available shortly before the meeting, it had been agreed that Members would have a further opportunity to make comments at this present meeting. She invited the Secretariat to provide a brief update on the TRIPS gateway page on the WTO website.
49. The representative of the Secretariat took the floor.
50. The representatives of Chile and Bangladesh took the floor.
51. The Council took note of the statements made.
IP/C/M/98, IP/C/M/98/Add.1