Minutes - TRIPS Council - View details of the intervention/statement

Mr. S. Harbinson (Hong Kong)
G Arrangements for Cooperation with WIPO
61. The representative of Uruguay supported the idea of authorizing the Chairman to enter into consultations with WIPO, with the assistance of the WTO Secretariat, to enable progress on many of the issues, in particular in relation to notification procedures and technical cooperation. His delegation wished to highlight that it agreed to the idea of making progress informally without involving directly representatives of governments; it had supported the same idea in the context of the WIPO Working Group by suggesting participation on the same basis in informal consultations of the International Bureau and the Chairman of the WIPO Working Group or the Chairman of another competent WIPO body. The final goal had, in any case, to be borne in mind, which was to achieve satisfactory cooperation between the two Organizations to the benefit of the member States of both of them. With regard to technical cooperation, his delegation believed that it was a good idea to explore the areas which were being dealt with by WIPO at present and that information on this could be useful for the purposes of the Council for TRIPS. Complementarity should be looked for to the extent possible as well as the strengthening of the technical cooperation programmes of both Organizations.