Minutes - TRIPS Council - View details of the intervention/statement

Mr. S. Harbinson (Hong Kong)
H Technical Cooperation
39. In commenting generally on the subject, the representative of Egypt stressed the importance her delegation attached to Article 67 of the Agreement and to the clear commitments contained therein on the part of developed country Members to facilitate the implementation by developing country Members of their obligations under the Agreement. While it was true that the Article envisaged bilateral cooperation, as it stipulated clearly that technical and financial cooperation should be provided on request and on mutually agreed terms, no one could undermine or deny the TRIPS Council's role in monitoring the operation of the Article. The representatives of Paraguay, the Philippines, Uruguay, the European Communities, Canada and Cuba also emphasized the importance of technical cooperation. The representatives of Switzerland, Uruguay, New Zealand and Cuba said that the Council should remain practical in its approach to technical cooperation. The representatives of Switzerland, Norway and New Zealand underlined the need to stay focused on the needs of the developing countries and the implementation of the TRIPS Agreement.