Minutes - TRIPS Council - View details of the intervention/statement

H Technical cooperation
64. The representative of Egypt said that his delegation had benefited greatly from the Workshop on Border Enforcement and looked forward to participating in similar workshops in the future on issues of interest to developing countries, which would facilitate the implementation of the Agreement. Technical cooperation was the key for developing countries to implement the provisions of the TRIPS Agreement and, therefore, an area of special attention of his delegation. Article 67 contained clear commitments on the part of developed country Members to assist developing countries in the implementation of their obligations under the TRIPS Agreement. Egypt had started some projects with several developed countries in different fields relating to implementation of the TRIPS Agreement. However, his delegation believed that the Council for TRIPS should continue to monitor the technical and financial assistance provided to developing countries with a view to evaluating experience and ensuring its availability. This role of the Council remained of paramount importance throughout the transitional period. He stressed the importance of annual updating by developed country Members of information on their technical cooperation activities pursuant to Article 67 of the Agreement. He was pleased that his delegation's proposal to ask developed countries to notify a contact point or contact points, which would be addressed by a developing country Member seeking technical cooperation, had been accepted. He believed that an important recommendation that could be included in the report of the Council to the Singapore Ministerial should be to stress that technical and financial assistance be provided to developing countries. This was the tool that would allow developing countries to pursue their efforts in fulfilling their obligations under the Agreement and complying in due time with its provisions.