Minutes - TRIPS Council - View details of the intervention/statement

Ambassador W. Armstrong (New Zealand)
G.iii.a Review of the application of the provisions of the section on geographical indications under Article 24.2
56. The Chairman recalled that the Council, as agreed in its 1996 report (IP/C/8, paragraph 27), had taken up work on this matter at its meeting of 11-15 November 1996 after and taking into account the review of legislation in the areas of trademarks, geographical indications and industrial designs. At that meeting, the Council had agreed to give further consideration to how the issue of reviewing the application of the provisions of the Section on geographical indications under Article 24.2 would be handled and to do this through informal consultations in the first instance, which would be scheduled to take place at a time early in 1997. It had been agreed that the timing of these consultations would also need to take into account the timeframe in which delegations which had promised to table proposals were able to make them available (document IP/C/M/11, paragraph 60). Members would recall that the delegation of the European Communities had already made available last year some proposals for work to be undertaken by the Council on geographical indications in the context of Article 24.2. A number of other delegations had indicated their intention to present papers. In the light of the consultations that he had held prior to the present meeting, he would not propose to invite a full-scale discussion of this issue at this time. It seemed clear that, as the Council had agreed at its meeting in November, the timing of further work on the issue of how the Council might handle the review under Article 24.2 needed to take into account the timeframe in which delegations which had indicated their intention to make proposals were able to do so. It would, however, be helpful if those delegations which intended to table papers were to indicate when they hoped to be able to make them available.