Minutes - TRIPS Council - View details of the intervention/statement

Ambassador Carlos Pérez del Castillo (Uruguay)
81. The representative of Argentina would transmit the joint proposal from Japan and the United States to her authorities for their consideration and would explain her delegation's position at the next meeting. She had some comments on the communication from the European Communities circulated in informal document No. 7111 of 23 December 1998, which contained clarifications on the comments made earlier by other delegations concerning the EC proposal. Firstly, her delegation did not believe that these clarifications allayed all the doubts expressed by various delegations, including her own, at the last meeting. Her delegation understood the EC proposal circulated in document IP/C/W/107 as establishing obligations additional to those provided for in the TRIPS Agreement. This was so, for example, with the presentation of evidence and negotiations between parties. Furthermore, the EC's communication, in particular paragraphs 8 to 11 thereof, confirmed that the system, despite its voluntary nature, would become obligatory for all Members. Lastly, according to paragraph 19 of the EC's communication, there were apparently doubts about what would be the applicable system of dispute settlement. She would appreciate further explanations on these points.