Laws and Regulations under TRIPS Art. 63.2 - View details of the document

Patents Act, 1967/550
Act amending the Patents Act, adopted on 31 January 2013, 2013/101, entry into force on 1 September 2013 - Laki patenttilain muuttamisesta - Lag om ändring av patentlagen Amendments concerning the centralisation of intellectual property matters to the Market Court. Decree of the Council of State on coming into force of the Act amending the Patents Act, adopted on 27 October 2011, 2011/1096, entry into force on 1 November 2011 - Valtioneuvoston asetus patenttilain muuttamisesta annetun lain voimaantulosta - Statsrådets förordning om ikraftträdande av en lag om ändring av patentlagen Regulates that the Act amending the Patents Act (743/2011) shall enter into force on November 1, 2011. Act amending Section 59 of the Patents Act, adopted on 22 July 2011, 2011/863, entry into force on 1 January 2014 - Laki patenttilain 59 §:n muuttamisesta - Lag om ändring av 59 § i patentlagen Amendments concerning the adoption of a new Coercive Measures Act (806/2011) Act amending the Patents Act, adopted on 17 June 2011, 2011/743, entry into force on 1 November 2011 - Laki patenttilain muuttamisesta - Lag om ändring av patentlagen Amendments concerning the Agreement on the application of Article 65 EPC (the London Agreement). As for national patents, the amendment enabled a patentee to receive decisions of the Finnish Patent and Registration Office in English during the application procedure if the patent application has been made in English. Section 8.1 was repealed. Act amending Section 57 and 62 of the Patents Act, adopted on 13 May 2011, 2011/478, entry into force on 17 May 2011 - Laki patenttilain 57 ja 62 §:n muuttamisesta - Lag om ändring av 57 och 62 § i patentlagen Amendments relating to the adoption of a new Act on the Prosecution Service (439/2011). Act amending Section 67 of the Patents Act, adopted on 12 November 2010, 2010/954, entry into force on 1 December 2010 - Laki patenttilain 67 §:n muuttamisesta - Lag om ändring av 67 § i patentlagen Section 67 regulates the appointment of an appropriate number of experts referred to in section 66 of the Patents Act. Amendments were made due to adoption of a new Act on Technical Research Center VTT (2010/953). Act amending Section 70 of the Patents Act, adopted on 14 May 2010, 2010/392, entry into force on 1 December 2010 - Laki patenttilain 70 §:n muuttamisesta - Lag on ändring av 70 § i patentlagen Addition of a new Section 70.2 to the Patent Act concerning a court's obligation to notify its judgements to the national information system of the judicial administration. Act amending the Patents Act, adopted on 21 July 2006, 2006/684, entry into force on 1 September 2006 - Laki patenttilain muuttamisesta - Lag om ändring av patentlagen Addition of new Sections related to infringement of a patent concerning injunctions and the publication of judgements. Amendment on the right to draw compensation in occasions where the patent right has since been repealed. Act amending Section 3 of the Patents Act, adopted on 21 April 2006, 2006/295, entry into force on 1 May 2006 - Laki patenttilain 3 §:n muuttamisesta - Lag om ändring av 3 § i patentlagen Amendment on the exceptions of the patent holder's exclusive right to use the invention professionally.
Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment