Laws and Regulations under TRIPS Art. 63.2 - View details of the document

[Not Applicable]
1. I have been instructed by my Government to inform you that the Brazilian National Institute of Industrial Property (Instituto Nacional de Propriedade Industrial/INPI, address: Praça Mauá, nr. 7, 18 andar, CEP 20083-900, Rio de Janeiro/RJ) is the official Brazilian government agency in charge of receiving, since 1 January 1995, patent applications for inventions in the field of pharmaceutical and agrochemical products, in accordance with the provisions of Article 70.8 of the TRIPS Agreement, subject to the presentation of the following information: (a) A duly filled-in application form; (b) A written description of the invention (specification), defining its objectives in such full, clear, concise, and exact terms as to enable any person skilled in the arts to make and use the same; (c) The claims, as described in the specification, claiming the subject matter of the invention and the rights of the inventor; (d) When applicable, drawings of the invention, in a scale that allows for reduction with clear definition of details; (e) Summary of the written description (specification), of the claims, and of the drawings; (f) Receipt of payment of the official fee. 2. The certificate of filing is the official document issued by INPI. The official fee is the same for all patent applications in all fields of technology. Patent applications for inventions of pharmaceutical and agrochemical products will be processed in the same way as any other applications for patent of inventions and, when filed after 1 January 1995, will be examined according to the provisions of the TRIPS Agreement.