Actas - Consejo de los ADPIC - Ver detalles de la intervención/declaración

Ambassador Chak Mun See (Singapore)
I.1 General Comments
131. The representative of Australia reiterated her delegation's view that the Article 24.2 review offered an opportunity to increase Members' collective understanding of the provisions of Section 3 of Part II through an analysis of the application of these provisions in domestic law by Members. If Members wished to constructively use the mandate provided in Article 24.2, the review should be carried out in a structured and systematic way, as articulated by Australia and New Zealand in their respective papers on the matter which sought to move the review forward in a structured way by outlining some of the underlying issues and interests that Members could consider in it. Her delegation welcomed the compilation of responses to the Checklist of Questions (IP/C/13 and Add.1) by the Secretariat in document IP/C/W/253. This summary paper was an excellent resource on the application of Section 3 of Part II by a number of Members. However, it did not yet include information from a large number of other Members. She hoped that those Members which had not supplied information as yet would do so as soon as possible, so that the review would be as comprehensive and inclusive as possible. Her delegation supported the suggestion to conduct the review on the basis of the paper in a logical and structured way.