Actas - Consejo de los ADPIC - Ver detalles de la intervención/declaración

Ambassador Gail Mathurin (Jamaica)
Unión Europea
J.ii (ii) LDC priority needs for technical and financial cooperation
100. The representative of the European Communities thanked Sierra Leone and Uganda for their respective submissions on their individual priority needs for technical and financial cooperation and welcomed the revised paper from Uganda in IP/C/W/510, which better identified its priority needs His delegation supported a number of actions identified by Uganda and Sierra Leone in the areas of regulation, administration and enforcement of intellectual property rights. Bilateral contacts had been initiated with these two countries to launch activities as soon as possible. The consultations with the two recipient countries and developed country partners had been very useful in identifying how their priority needs could be best met. His delegation encouraged other developed country Members to contribute to this very important process and was ready to consider any new submission of priority needs submitted by other least-developed country Members.