Actas - Consejo de los ADPIC - Ver detalles de la intervención/declaración

Mr. Martin Glass (Hong Kong, China)
390. The representative of China said that technical assistance activities should be demand-driven, transparent, neutral and accountable and, therefore, he supported Brazil's communication IP/C/W/513 and its addendum, especially with regard to the relevance of Cluster A proposals of the WIPO Development Agenda. As the third global review of Aid for Trade in 2011 was approaching and the WTO Secretariat was encouraging Members to provide Aid for Trade case stories, he encouraged the IP Division to contact colleagues in the Development Division, responsible for Aid for Trade initiatives, and integrate the LDCs priority needs assessments under TRIPS Article 66 and the discussions on TRIPS Article 67 in the work on Aid for Trade. He also encouraged developed country Members to provide some Aid for Trade case stories in the area of technology transfer for the better functioning of the third global review on Aid for Trade.