Actas - Consejo de los ADPIC - Ver detalles de la intervención/declaración

Ambassador Federico A. González (Paraguay) (24-25 October) and Mr. Martin Glass (Hong Kong, China) (17 November)
570. The Chairman said that the draft Annual Report of the Council to the General Council had been circulated in document JOB/IP/5. It still needed to be updated so as to reflect the discussions at the present meeting. He suggested that the Secretariat be requested to update the draft to reflect the discussions at the present meeting. This draft would be faxed to Members, who would have one week to comment on the updated parts of the draft report once it had been circulated by the Secretariat.

11 11: The Annual Report (2011) of the Council for TRIPS was subsequently circulated as document IP/C/59.

16 11: The Annual Report (2011) of the Council for TRIPS was subsequently circulated as document IP/C/59.

21 11: The Annual Report (2011) of the Council for TRIPS was subsequently circulated as document IP/C/59.

26 11: The Annual Report (2011) of the Council for TRIPS was subsequently circulated as document IP/C/59.