Actas - Consejo de los ADPIC - Ver detalles de la intervención/declaración

Ambassador Al-Otaibi (Kingdom of Saudi-Arabia) and Ambassador Alfredo Suescum (Panama)
Nueva Zelandia
279. I will present our report in more detail at the Workshop on the Implementation of Article 66.2 of the TRIPS Agreement, when I will highlight some specific projects which are also outlined in our report. These include a regional eye care centre in the Solomon Islands, a Myanmar Dairy Excellence Project, the Vanuatu Rural Electrification Project, Recognised Seasonal Employer scheme (RSE) in which Pacific workers take up seasonal employment in New Zealand's horticulture and viticulture industries. Our report shows that New Zealand's efforts to encourage technology transfer to LDCs occur through a variety of channels promoting a broad economic environment that is conducive to the development of New Zealand enterprises and institutions and enables them to transfer technology abroad. It also encourages trade in goods, services and labour mobility. It also facilitates a strong intellectual property regime. Through New Zealand's bilateral and regional development programmes we will work very closely with Australia and some of our key development partners. We would like to thank the Secretariat for arranging the Workshop on Monday, we look forward to presenting on New Zealand's incentives for technology transfers to LDCs and we expect that the Workshop will provide a useful opportunity for exchanging views on technology transfer issues.
The Council took note of the statements made and agreed to provide an opportunity for Members to make further comments on the information submitted at its next meeting.
11.1. The Chairman recalled that, at its meeting in February 2003, the Council had adopted a decision on the "Implementation of Article 66.2 of the TRIPS Agreement". Paragraph 1 of the Decision provided that developed country Members shall submit annually reports on actions taken or planned in pursuance of their commitments under Article 66.2. To this end, they were to provide new detailed reports every third year and, in the intervening years, provide updates to their most recent reports. These reports were to be submitted prior to the last Council meeting scheduled for the year in question.

11.2. The fourth set of detailed annual reports under the Decision had been presented to the Council's meeting in November 2012 and updates had been provided in 2013 and 2014. At its last meeting in June, the Council had requested developed country Members to submit the fifth set of detailed annual reports for the present meeting. The Secretariat had issued on 19 June 2015 an airgram (WTO/AIR/IP/3) to remind developed country Members of this request.

11.3. To date, the Council had received the fifth set of detailed annual reports from the following developed country Members: Japan, New Zealand, Canada, Switzerland, Australia, the United States, and Norway (IP/C/W/611 and addenda). The report submitted by the European Union and individual member States, namely Austria, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Ireland, Spain, Sweden and the United Kingdom, had been made available as a room document on documents online and would also be circulated as an addendum to document IP/C/W/611.

11.4. As regards the purpose and conduct of the review of this information, it should be recalled that paragraph 2 of the Decision on the Implementation of Article 66.2 of the TRIPS Agreement explained that the annual review meetings shall provide Members with an opportunity to pose questions in relation to the information submitted and request additional information; discuss the effectiveness of the incentives provided in promoting and encouraging technology transfer to least developed country Members in order to enable them to create a sound and viable technological base; and consider any points relating to the operation of the reporting procedure established by the Decision. Since some of the information had been received only very recently, and most of it was available only in its original language, the Chairman proposed that an opportunity be provided at the Council's next meeting for Members to make further comments on the information submitted for this meeting and also to comment on any additional information that might yet be provided before that meeting.

11.5. He informed that, for the eighth year in a row, the WTO Secretariat would be organizing, at the request by LDC Members, a workshop on transfer of technology under Article 66.2 on 19 October 2015. It would bring together LDC and developed country experts to discuss this matter at a very practical level, building on the earlier workshops. He noted that in order to record the questions posed to reporting developed country Members on the occasion of the previous Workshop held on 27 October 2014, a compilation of these questions had been circulated to delegations by the WTO Secretariat on 6 July 2015.

11.6. The representatives of the European Union and New Zealand took the floor.

11.7. The Council took note of the statements made and agreed to provide an opportunity for Members to make further comments on the information submitted at its next meeting.

IP/C/M/80, IP/C/M/80/Add.1

2 This statement was made under Agenda Item 12, but is relevant to Agenda Item 11.