Actas - Consejo de los ADPIC - Ver detalles de la intervención/declaración

Mr. S. Harbinson (Hong Kong)
Filipinas en nombre de Asociación de Naciones del Asia Sudoriental
B Arrangements for Cooperation with WIPO
18. The representative of the Philippines, speaking on behalf of the ASEAN countries, emphasized the need for close and mutually supportive cooperation between the WTO and WIPO, both being Organizations of which ASEAN countries were members. He welcomed the presence at the meeting of a representative of WIPO and said that it would be indispensable that the two Organizations would be invited as observers to each other's meetings. Accordingly, WIPO should not only be invited to meetings of the TRIPS Council but also to that of other WTO bodies, including the General Council and the Ministerial Conference, in so far as these would deal with intellectual property matters. The WTO should be invited to meetings of the Governing Bodies of WIPO. GATT had always been invited to meetings of Committees of Experts and similar meetings in WIPO and the ASEAN countries would expect this continued in respect of the WTO. He then expressed the hope that the cooperation between the two Organizations would enable the avoidance of duplication of efforts and resources, a matter on which ASEAN took a perennial stand. This might be achieved by setting up mechanisms, whether administrative or financial in nature, which would enable WTO Members to draw on WIPO's expertise and facilities, wherever and whenever possible. For example, systems for the notification of national legislation and matters such as those related to Article 6ter of the Paris Convention as had to be considered by the TRIPS Council could be established on the basis of WIPO's existing arrangements. Furthermore, as regards legal and technical assistance to developing countries, full account should be taken of WIPO's extensive experience, expertise and indispensable non-partisan approach. In conclusion, he said that the ASEAN countries were of the view that the meeting of the ad hoc WIPO Working Group on Cooperation between WIPO and WTO on 8 February 1995 had been fruitful and had put the process towards cooperation between the two Organizations in the right direction.