Actas - Consejo de los ADPIC - Ver detalles de la intervención/declaración

Mr. S. Harbinson (Hong Kong)
Corea, República de
D Organizational Matters and Work Programme
80. The representative of Korea referred to Article 68 of the Agreement, in particular the Council's task of monitoring the operation of the Agreement, and said that the basic and necessary information for monitoring Members' compliance with their obligations under the Agreement would be the laws and regulations notified. Considering the volume of this information, his delegation would suggest that, this year, a checklist or questionnaire be prepared as well as a monitoring schedule for the submission of responses based on the entry into force of the substantive obligations under the TRIPS Agreement. A working group might be established to prepare such a checklist or questionnaire and examine the responses received from Members. An additional advantage of such a system would be that the responses could be distributed to the Members instead of the laws and regulations themselves.