Actas - Consejo de los ADPIC - Ver detalles de la intervención/declaración

Ambassador Carlos Pérez del Castillo (Uruguay)
G.ii WIPO-WTO Joint Initiative on Technical Cooperation
33. The representative of Norway wished to take the opportunity to express his delegation's appreciation for the work that was being carried out by WIPO in the context of technical assistance for the implementation of the TRIPS Agreement. WIPO's efforts were impressive and its role essential as it represented a body of competence and a pool of resources which was crucial for this work. He was in favour of strengthening the cooperation between the WTO and WIPO in providing technical assistance to developing countries and believed such cooperation would provide useful synergies. Cooperation as under the Joint Initiative should continue between the two bodies. He looked forward to receiving the report from WIPO on the technical cooperation provided from January1996 to March 1999.