Leyes y reglamentos en el marco del párrafo 2 del artículo 63 del Acuerdo sobre los ADPIC - Ver detalles del documento

Council Decisions of 21 November 1995 (IP/C/2 and 4), Uganda notifies that she is undergoing a law reform of all its trade-related laws and legislations, and being a least developed country, would, therefore, like to take advantage to use the transitional period under Article 65.2, Article 65.3 and Article 66.1 to fully comply with the TRIPS obligations pursuant to Article 65.1 after the law reform exercise. In accordance with Article 63.2 of the Agreement on TRIPS, in conjunction with the TRIPS Council Decisions of 21 November 1995 (IP/C/2 and 5), Uganda being a least developed country would like to take advantage to use the transitional period under Article 65.2, Article 65.3 and Article 66.1 to comply with the TRIPS obligations pursuant to Article 65.1 after her ongoing law reform exercise of trade-related laws and legislation is complete. As regards Articles 3, 4 and 5 of the Agreement on TRIPS, in conjunction with the TRIPS Council Decisions of 21 November 1995 (IP/C/2), the aspects subject to the notification requirement not covered by the notification made1 was due to the non-existence of the legal framework to comply. Uganda is now undergoing comprehensive legal reform framework of all its trade and trade-related laws, regulations and procedures. Once this framework is in place, the notification requirement will be fully met.