Leyes y reglamentos en el marco del párrafo 2 del artículo 63 del Acuerdo sobre los ADPIC - Ver detalles del documento

The Law of Ukraine “On Protection from Unfair Competition"
The Law sets out legal principles for protecting economic subjects (entrepreneurs) and consumers from unfair competition, and is aimed at establishing, developing, and promoting commercial and other honest practices of competition in carrying out business activities under the conditions of market relations. Article 4 in Chapter 5 defines as unlawful such use, without permission of the person authorized to give such permission, inter alia, of another's name, company appellation, marks for goods and services, other designations, and indications of goods’ origin, that is likely to result in confusion with the activities of another economic subject (entrepreneur) who enjoys priority in respect of use thereof, and provides for administrative, civil, and criminal liability for such actions. Articles 16 through 19 of the Law define what is deemed illegal collection of commercial secrets, disclosure of a commercial secret, inducement to disclosure of a commercial secret, and illegal use of a commercial secret. The Law establishes legal principles for the protection of economic subjects (entrepreneurs) and consumers from unfair competition.