Leyes y reglamentos en el marco del párrafo 2 del artículo 63 del Acuerdo sobre los ADPIC - Búsqueda


En esta página puede hacer búsquedas en la base de datos de leyes y reglamentos de los Miembros de la OMC notificados de conformidad con el párrafo 2 del artículo 63 del Acuerdo sobre los ADPIC. Puede consultar los resultados de la búsqueda en la pantalla, descargarlos en formato Excel e imprimirlos. También puede descargar los distintos documentos notificados por el Miembro.

El párrafo 2 del artículo 63 del Acuerdo sobre los ADPIC, exige que los Miembros notifiquen las leyes y los reglamentos hechos efectivos y referentes a la materia del Acuerdo (existencia, alcance, adquisición, observancia y prevención del abuso de los derechos de propiedad intelectual). Los procedimientos para la notificación de las leyes y los reglamentos nacionales de conformidad con el párrafo 2 del artículo 63 figuran en el documento IP/C/2. Según estos procedimientos, todo Miembro, a partir del momento en que esté obligado a empezar a aplicar una disposición del Acuerdo sobre los ADPIC, notificará sin demora las leyes y reglamentos correspondientes (normalmente en un plazo de 30 días, salvo que el Consejo de los ADPIC disponga otra cosa).

* NO es necesario utilizar todos los campos de búsqueda que figuran a continuación (rellene solo los que sean pertinentes para su consulta).
* Tenga en cuenta que los criterios de búsqueda utilizados son acumulativos. Todos se reflejarán en los resultados de la búsqueda.

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Signatura del documento Fecha de distribución del documento Título de la ley o el reglamento Miembro o grupo de miembros Descargar documento
IP/N/1/UKR/1 05/08/2008 The Law of Ukraine “On Banks and Banking Activity" Ucrania
IP/N/1/UKR/1 05/08/2008 Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine “Matters Related to Registering Intellectual Property Right Objects in the Customs Register, to Obtaining Information, and to Cooperation of Customs Bodies with Other Law Enforcement and Supervisory Agencies and Holders of Rights to Intellectual Property Right Objects, in the Event of Goods Customs Clearance Suspension at the Initiative of a Customs Body” Ucrania
IP/N/1/UKR/1 05/08/2008 Code of Administrative Judicial Proceedings of Ukraine Ucrania
IP/N/1/UKR/1 05/08/2008 Law of Ukraine „On accession of Ukraine to the International convention on protection of new plant varieties” Ucrania
IP/N/1/UKR/1 05/08/2008 Law of Ukraine „On protection of the rights to plant varieties” Ucrania
IP/N/1/UKR/1 05/08/2008 Law of Ukraine "On seeds and planting materials" Ucrania
IP/N/1/UKR/1 05/08/2008 Decree of the President of Ukraine as of 18.06.04 № 658/2004 „Issues concerning representation of Ukraine in the Council of the International union for protection of new plant varieties” Ucrania
IP/N/1/UKR/1 05/08/2008 Decree of the President of Ukraine as of 12 October 1995 # 952/95 „On the representative of Ukraine and its deputy in the Council of the International union for protection of new plant varieties” Ucrania
IP/N/1/UKR/1 05/08/2008 Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine as of 19.08.02 „On approval of the Regulation on the State service for protection of the rights to plant varieties” Ucrania
IP/N/1/UKR/1 05/08/2008 Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine as of 19.08.02 № 1183 “On measures concerning implementation of Law of Ukraine “On protection of the rights to plant varieties” Ucrania
IP/N/1/UKR/1 05/08/2008 Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine as of 29.01.03 № 121 „On approval of the Procedure for issue of a mandatory license to use a plant variety” Ucrania
IP/N/1/UKR/1 05/08/2008 Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine as of 15.05.03 # 686 „On approval of the Regulation on the State registry of plant varieties suitable for dissemination in Ukraine” Ucrania
IP/N/1/UKR/1 05/08/2008 Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine as of 17.08.1998 № 1304 „On approval of the Provisional procedure for importation, state testing, registration and use of trans-genetic plant varieties in Ukraine" Ucrania
IP/N/1/UKR/1 05/08/2008 Order of the Ministry of agrarian policy of Ukraine as of 30.08.02 № 247 „On approval of Criteria for prohibition of dissemination of plant varieties in Ukraine”, registered with the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on 25.10.02 under # 847/7135 Ucrania
IP/N/1/UKR/1 05/08/2008 Order of the Ministry of agrarian policy of Ukraine as of 21.07.2003 ? 244 „On approval of the Instruction concerning registration of an agreement on transfer of the ownership right to a plant variety and an agreement on transfer of the right to use a plant variety”, registered with the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine as of 08.08.03 under # 698/8019. Ucrania
IP/N/1/UKR/1 05/08/2008 Order of the Ministry of agrarian policy of Ukraine as of 26.04.2007 # 287 „On approval of the rules for preparation and submission of an application for a plant variety”, registered with the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine 30.05.2007 under # 553/13820 Ucrania
IP/N/1/UKR/1 05/08/2008 Order of the Ministry of agrarian policy of Ukraine and of the State customs service as of 18.07.2003 N 243/474 „On approval of the Procedure for importation in Ukraine and exportation from Ukraine of seeds and planting materials of plant varieties for purposes of research and government testing of plant varieties”, registered with the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine 05.08 2003 under #687/8008 Ucrania
IP/N/1/UKR/1 05/08/2008 Order of the Ministry of agrarian policy of Ukraine as of 23.06.2003 # 188 ”On approval of the Regulation on the expert verification of the names of plant varieties” registered with the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine as of 10.07.2003 under #574/7895 Ucrania
IP/N/1/UKR/1 05/08/2008 Order of the Ministry of agrarian policy of Ukraine as of 21.07.03 # 246 „On approval of the Procedure for verification of protectability of a plant variety”, registered with the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on 28.08.03 under # 741/8062 Ucrania
IP/N/1/UKR/1 05/08/2008 Order of the State service for protection of the rights to plant varieties as of 08.01.2003 ? 5-1 “On approval of the Regulation on the attestation committee for acquisition of the rights of representatives in issues of intellectual property to plant varieties”, registered with the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on 28.01.2003 under # 60/7381 Ucrania

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