Compte rendu ‒ Conseil des ADPIC ‒ Afficher les détails de l'intervention/la déclaration

Ambassador Mero (United Republic of Tanzania)
African Regional Intellectual Property Organization (ARIPO)
11 Technical Cooperation and Capacity-Building
338. As you may be aware, ARIPO was created to pull resources of its Members States for the promotion, development and harmonization of intellectual property laws and policies and to ensure that they contribute to the social, economic and technological development of its Member States. To date, ARIPO is composed of 19 Member States in Africa. 339. I wish to bring on record some remarkable achievements in the ARIPO system with regard to technical cooperation programmes relevant to TRIPS which have been achieved either solely or with the support of some cooperating partners. It is worth highlighting at this juncture that due to the limited resources at the organization the initiatives were possible due to the support and the involvement of other partners. We therefore wish to highlight that WIPO, Japan Patent Office, USPTO, IP Australia, the Government of the Republic of Korea, IFRRO and other national IP offices of the ARIPO Member States were our strategic partners. 340. The initiatives that we have undertaken focused on awareness-raising, training, improvement of the legal and institutional framework, enforcement and dissemination of information on IP. One of the main challenges for the successful implementation of the IP System in Africa is the lack of awareness of the important role that IP plays in harnessing and rewarding human creation for the social, cultural, economic and technological development. It is on this backdrop that ARIPO took to run roving seminars in each Member State. Since its inception this initiative covered 15 countries and directly benefited more than 2,000 participants. 341. ARIPO also views IP training of paramount importance. Since 2006 ARIPO has hosted an academy. In 2008 a master of the group programme was introduced in collaboration with the WIPO Academy and the Africa University located in Zimbabwe. The programme graduated since its inception 221 students from 25 African countries. A new MIP programme will be launched with the Kwame Nkrumah University in Ghana early next year. 342. ARIPO also provided technical assistance to Member countries to strengthen and improve the legal and institutional framework. It hosted a number of officials in its headquarters to capacitate them on the administration of IP Systems. 343. Finally, the organization has also launched a number of publications related to copyright in order to boost the knowledge on this issue in the Member States. With all these initiatives, ARIPO intends to assist Member States in improving their IP systems and to better harness its potential for the development of their countries. A more detailed on tabular form was made available for the delegates.
The Council took note of the statements made and agreed to revert to the matter at its next meeting.
57. The Chairman recalled that, at its meeting in June 2016, the Council had agreed to hold its annual review of technical cooperation at this meeting. In preparation for this annual review, developed country Members had been once more requested to update information on their technical and financial cooperation activities relevant to the implementation of the TRIPS Agreement in time for this meeting. Other Members who also made available technical cooperation had been encouraged to share information on these activities. The Secretariat had issued on 7 July 2016 an Airgram (WTO/AIR/IP/9) reminding Members of this request. In addition, intergovernmental organizations observers to the Council as well as the WTO Secretariat had also been invited to provide information.

58. To date, the Council had received information from the following developed country Members: Japan, Australia, Switzerland, Norway, Canada, the United States and New Zealand, circulated in document IP/C/W/617 and addenda. The report submitted by the European Union and individual member States, namely Austria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Latvia, Portugal, Romania, Spain, Sweden and the United Kingdom, had been made available as a room document on documents online and would also be circulated as an addendum to document IP/C/W/617. The Council had also received information on relevant technical cooperation activities from Mexico, circulated in document IP/C/W/615.

59. Updated information had been submitted by the following intergovernmental organizations: the FAO, UNCTAD, the OECD, the GCC, WHO, ARIPO, WCO and WIPO, circulated in document IP/C/W/614 and addenda. In addition, a report from UPOV had been received shortly before the meeting and would also be made available as an addendum to document IP/C/W/614. Updated information on the WTO Secretariat's own technical cooperation activities in the TRIPS area was available in document IP/C/W/618.

60. The Chairman said that these reports provided very valuable information both as regards details of specific activities, but also the broader policy considerations that were guiding capacity building activities of individual Members and Observers. Much of this resource remained largely untapped which might be due to the amount of information provided and the way in which this was done. In order to promote awareness and transparency, the Secretariat had repeatedly suggested that the information about specific activities be reported in table format. It had provided regular updates with respect to its work aimed at identifying ways of facilitating the submission, processing and circulation of information on technical assistance.

61. The representatives of Australia, Mexico, the United States and Colombia took the floor.

62. The representative of the Secretariat took the floor.

63. The representatives of ARIPO, the GCC, WHO and UNCTAD took the floor.

64. Since some of the information had been received only very recently, and most of it was available only in its original language, the Chairman said that he would provide Members an opportunity at the next meeting to make further comments on the information.

65. The Council took note of the statements made and agreed to revert to the matter at its next meeting.

IP/C/M/83, IP/C/M/83/Add.1