Compte rendu ‒ Conseil des ADPIC ‒ Afficher les détails de l'intervention/la déclaration

Mr. S. Harbinson (Hong Kong)
États-Unis d'Amérique
C Implementation of Article 70.8
40. While thanking the delegations that had made notifications to date for doing so, the representative of the United States wished to remind them, and any other delegation that was utilizing Article 70.8, of the provisions of Article 70.9, the benefits of which also had to be made available to patent applicants. He also wished to urge all such countries to consider seriously implementing full patent protection more rapidly and as soon as possible. Recalling that at the previous meeting of the Council delegations had been urged to make notifications by today's meeting, he noted that not all the delegations concerned had done so. Although it was not entirely clear which were all the countries to which the provisions in question applied, his delegation believed on the basis of some research it had done that there were still at least some ten countries which did not currently provide full patent protection and had not made the required notifications. He wondered when the notifications from these countries could be expected and expressed the hope that all of them would check without delay whether the required protection was available and would make the necessary submissions.