Compte rendu ‒ Conseil des ADPIC ‒ Afficher les détails de l'intervention/la déclaration

Mr. S. Harbinson (Hong Kong)
H Technical Cooperation
45. In regard to the second indent of paragraph 7 of document IP/C/W/21, the idea of a list of basic headings which delegations might use for presenting an overview of their technical cooperation activities was supported by the representatives of Egypt and Cuba. The representative of Egypt explained that, in her delegation's opinion, information on the various activities which were clearly indicated in Article 67 should not be lost in generalities, and might include, in addition to its more structured presentation, an assessment of what had been achieved by such targeted assistance. The representative of India was in favour of considering the possibility of having a format for the provision of information, perhaps along the lines suggested in the document as a list of basic headings. Expressing their wish to avoid rigid formats, the representatives of Japan, Peru, the Philippines and Norway believed that a list of basic headings would be sufficient in this regard.