Compte rendu ‒ Conseil des ADPIC ‒ Afficher les détails de l'intervention/la déclaration

États-Unis d'Amérique
I Review of Legislation on Copyright and Related Rights
58. After the consideration of the legislation of the above countries, the representative of the United States reiterated that his delegation had not accepted that there was a defined listing of countries that constituted developed country Members of the WTO. Therefore, his delegation had submitted questions to Members that it believed should be reviewed at this time, without prejudice to how the question concerning the status of the Members in general might ultimately be decided. These included Hong Kong, Israel, Korea, Kuwait, Singapore and Turkey.2 He expressed the hope that those Members would be prepared to reply to the questions put to them.

2 IP/C/W/25 and IP/C/W/25/Add.1