Rapport des pays développés Membres sur la mise en œuvre de l'article 66:2 de l'Accord sur les ADPIC (au sujet du transfert de technologie aux PMA) ‒ Afficher les détails du document

European Union

Bilateral R&D projects in international technological cooperation with certification and unilateral monitoring are projects carried out by formally constituted international consortia, with the participation of one or more Spanish companies that collaborate effectively in a R&D project with one or more foreign partners from the following countries, of which six are LDCs: 

Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Algeria, Argentina, Australia, Bangladesh, Brazil, Cape Verde, Cambodia, Qatar, Chile, China, Colombia, Ivory Coast, Costa Rica, Republic of Korea, Cuba, UAE, USA, Ecuador, Egypt, Philippines, Ghana, Guatemala, India, Indonesia, Iran, Japan, the State of Kuwait, Sri Lanka, Lao People's Democratic Republic, Lebanese Republic, Malaysia, Morocco, Mauritania, Myanmar, Mexico, Oman, Peru, Dominican Republic, Russian Federation, Senegal, Singapore, Thailand, Taiwan, Tunisia, Uruguay and Viet Nam.

Corrigendum* The following corrections are advised concerning the English and Spanish versions of document IP/C/R/TTI/EU/2, the European Union's 2021 Report on the Implementation of Article 66.2 of the TRIPS Agreement. Annexed to the present document, for ease of reference, is the full corrected text of the Report. 1. The following programmes have been deleted: European Union: • "TradeCom II ACP Trade Capacity Building Programme (Programme Estimate No.2)", appearing on pp. 37-38 of the original Report. • "ASTRAL – All Atlantic Ocean Sustainable, Profitable and Resilient Aquaculture", appearing on p. 44 of the original Report. • "iATLANTIC – Integrated Assessment of Atlantic Marine Ecoysystems in Space and Time", appearing on p. 45 of the original Report. • "AANChOR – All AtlaNtic Cooperation for Ocean Research and innovation", appearing on p. 46 of the original Report. • "MISSION ATLANTIC – Towards the Sustainable Development of the Atlantic Ocean: Mapping and Assessing the present and future status of Atlantic marine ecosystems under the influence of climate change and exploitation", appearing on pp. 48-49 of the original Report. • "AtlantECO – Atlantic ECOsystems assessment, forecasting & sustainability", appearing on p. 50 of the original Report. Germany: • "Introduction of solar chill technology in Africa", appearing on p. 88 of the original Report. 2. Section 2.3 Bulgaria of the original Report has been deleted, and subsequent subsections renumbered as follows: • Section 2.4 Spain has been renumbered 2.3 Spain. • Section 2.5 Finland has been renumbered 2.4 Finland. • Section 2.6 Austria has been renumbered 2.5 Austria. • Section 2.7 Czech Republic has been renumbered 2.6 Czech Republic. • Section 2.8 Sweden has been renumbered 2.7 Sweden. 3. Heading number 1 has been removed from the Introduction to the Report. 4. In the "Beneficiary Member(s)" field for the German programme "Strengthening of control of the mining sector of the Democratic Republic of the Congo", appearing on p. 95 of the original Report, the full name of the beneficiary, Democratic Republic of the Congo, has been restored. 5. In the "Beneficiary Member(s)" field for the German programme "Support for Improvement of Mine Safety and Environmental Protection at Mines in Lao People's Democratic Republic" appearing on p. 96 of the original Report, the name of the beneficiary, Lao People's Democratic Republic, has been restored. 6. The introductory text associated with the contribution of Spain, previously split between pp. 123 and 125 of the original Report, has been consolidated to appear above Spanish programme "Proyectos de Cooperación Tecnológica Internacional con certificación y seguimiento unilateral". 7. The introductory text associated with the contribution of Sweden, previously split between pp. 130 and 131 of the original Report, has been consolidated to appear above Swedish programme "Renewable Energy Programme". _______________ * In English and Spanish only.

Liste des programmes/projets

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# Nom du programme ou du projet Membre(s) bénéficiaire(s) Catégorie technologique  
1 Proyectos de Cooperación Tecnológica Internacional con certificación y seguimiento unilateral