Lois et règlements au titre de l'article 63:2 de l'Accord sur les ADPIC ‒ Afficher les détails du document

Decree on the Openness of Government Activities and on Good Practice in Information Management, 1999/1030
Decree on the Openness of Government Activities and on Good Practice in Information Management, adopted on 12 November 1999, 1999/1030, entry into force on 1 December 1999, as amended up to May 2002/380 - Asetus viranomaisten toiminnan julkisuudesta ja hyvästä tiedonhallintatavasta - Förordning om offentlighet och god informationshantering i myndigheternas verksamhet Decree of the Council of State on data protection in the state administration, adopted on 1 July 2010, 2010/681, entry into force on 1 October 2010 - Valtioneuvoston asetus tietoturvallisuudesta valtionhallinnossa - Statsrådets förordning on informationssäkerheten inom statsförvaltningen Addition of a Decree which sets the requirements on handling confidential information in the state administration and the classification of documents according to the information which they include.