Lois et règlements au titre de l'article 63:2 de l'Accord sur les ADPIC ‒ Afficher les détails du document

Unfair Business Practices Act, 1978/1061
Act amending Section 11 a of the Unfair Business Practices Act, adopted on 25 August 2016, 2016/719, entry into force on 1 January 2017 - Laki sopimattomasta menettelystä elinkeinotoiminnassa annetun lain 11 a §:n muuttamisesta - Lag om ändring av 11 a § i lagen om otillbörligt förfarande i näringsverksamhet Technical amendment: reference to the Courts Act (673/2016) was changed. Act amending the Unfair Business Practices Act, adopted on 30 December 2015, 2015/1619, entry into force on 1 January 2016 - Laki sopimattomasta menettelystä elinkeinotoiminnassa annetun lain muuttamisesta - Lag om ändring av lagen om otillbörligt förfarande i näringsverksamhet Section 5 on entrepreneurs' right to keep its store in commercial centre closed for one day in a week was added to the Act. Act amending the Unfair Business Practices Act, adopted on 31 January 2013, 2013/117, entry into force on 1 September 2013 - Laki sopimattomasta menettelystä elinkeinotoiminnassa annetun lain muuttamisesta - Lag om ändring av lagen om otillbörligt förfarande i näringsverksamhet Amendments concerning the centralisation of intellectual property matters to the Market Court. Sections 7, 8 and 11 were amended. New sections 7a, 8a, 10a, 10b and 11a were inserted. Act amending Section 11 of the Unfair Business Practices Act, adopted on 13 May 2011, 2011/481, entry into force on 17 May 2011 - Laki sopimattomasta menettelystä elinkeinotoiminnassa annetun lain 11 §:n muuttamisesta - Lag om ändring av 11 § i lagen om otillbörligt förfarande i näringsverksamhet Amendment relating to the adoption of a new Act on the Prosecution Service (439/2011). Act repealing Sections 3.1 and 3.2 of the Unfair Business Practices Act, adopted on 11 March 2011, 2011/231, entry into force on 15 June 2011 - Laki sopimattomasta menettelystä elinkeinotoiminnassa annetun lain 3 §:n 1 ja 2 momentin kumoamisesta - Lag om upphävande av 3 § 1 och 2 mom. i lagen om otillbörligt förfarande i näringsverksamhet Amendments relating to changes in the Consumer Protection Act. Sections 3.1 and 3.2. concerning lotteries were repealed. Act amending the Unfair Business Practices Act, adopted on 29 August 2008/562, entry into force on 1 October 2008 - Laki sopimattomasta menettelystä elinkeinotoiminnassa annetun lain muuttamisesta - Lag om ändring av lagen om otillbörligt förfarande i näringsverksamhet Addition of a Section which includes the regulation on comparative advertising.
Related legal instruments: Criminal Code Act amending Chapter 30, Section 13 of the Criminal Code, adopted on 7 April 2017, 2017/213, entry into force on 1 June 2017 - Laki rikoslain 30 luvun 13 §:n muuttamisesta - Lag om ändring av 30 kap. 13 § i strafflagen Amendment to legal persons liability on aggravated accounting offence. Act amending Chapter 30, Section 10 a of the Criminal Code, adopted on 18 September 2015, 2015/1211, entry into force 1 January 2016 - Laki rikoslain 30 luvun 10 a §:n muuttamisesta - Lag om ändring av 30 kap. 10 a § i strafflagen Technical amendment changing reference to the Audit Act. Act amending Chapter 30, Section 3 a of the Criminal Code, adopted on 30 November 2012, 2012/683, entry into force 1 January 2013 - Laki rikoslain 30 luvun 3 a §:n muuttamisesta - Lag om ändring av 30 kap. 3 a § i strafflagen Technical amendment changing reference on the Consumer Authority to the Competition and Consumer Authority. Act amending the Criminal Code, adopted on 10 June 2011, 2011/637, entry into force on 1 October 2011 - Laki rikoslain muuttamisesta - Lag om ändring av strafflagen Amendments relating to the Additional Protocol to the Criminal Law Convention on Corruption (Strasbourg 15 May 2003). Sections 7, 8 and 13 of chapter 30 of the Criminal Code concerning business offences were amended and new sections 7a, 8a, 14 and 15 were inserted. Act amending the Criminal Code, adopted on 13 May 2011, 2011/441, entry into force on 17 May 2011 - Laki rikoslain muuttamisesta - Lag om ändring av strafflagen Amendments relating to the adoption of a new Act on the Prosecution Service (439/2011). Section 12 of chapter 30 and section 6 of chapter 49 were amended. Act amending Chapter 30, Section 3 of the Criminal Code, adopted on 27 August 2010, 2010/750, entry into force 1 December 2010 - Laki rikoslain 30 luvun 3 §:n muuttamisesta - Lag om ändring av 30 kap. 3 § i strafflagen Technical amendments relating to the adoption of a new chapter 7 in the Consumer Protection Act regulating consumer credits (implementation of directive 2008/48/EC). Act amending the Criminal Code, adopted on 14 August 2009, 2009/641, entry into force on 1 November 2009 - Laki rikoslain muuttamisesta - Lag om ändring av strafflagen Amendments of Chapter 30 of the Criminal Code including criminalisation of the marketing of alcohol products, right to institute criminal proceedings and criminal liability of a legal person. Act amending Chapter 30 of the Criminal Code, adopted 19 December 2008, 2008/940, entry into force on 1 July 2009 - Laki rikoslain 30 luvun muuttamisesta - Lag om ändring av 30 kap. i strafflagen Addition of a section on charter trip company violation and charter trip company offence. Act amending Chapter 30 of the Criminal Code, adopted 13 April 2007, 474/2007, entry into force 1 July 2007 - Laki rikoslain 30 luvun muuttamisesta - Lag om ändring av 30 kap. i strafflagen Addition of a section on auditing offence. Act amending Chapter 30, Section 12 of the Criminal Code, adopted on 8 June 2006, 2006/467, entry into force 1 July 2006 - Laki rikoslain 30 luvun 12 §:n muuttamisesta - Lag om ändring av 30 kap. 12 § i strafflagen Amendment on the Section about the right to institute criminal proceedings.
Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment