Lois et règlements au titre de l'article 63:2 de l'Accord sur les ADPIC ‒ Afficher les détails du document

Act amending section 10 and 47 of the Customs Act
Customs Act, adopted on 29 December 1994/1466, as amended up to September 2010 (533/2010) - Tullilaki - Tullag - Repealed by the Customs Act (2016/304) Act regulates import and export measures and the control authority of customs at the border. Customs Act, adopted on 29 April 2016, 2016/304, entry into force on 1 May 2016 - Tullilaki - Tullag Act regulates import and export measures and the control authority of customs at the border. Act amending section 10 and 47 of the Customs Act, adopted on 11 August 2017, 2017/526, entry into force on 1 January 2018 - Laki tullilain 10 ja 47 §:n muuttamisesta - Lag om ändring av 10 och 47 § i tullagen Amendments relating to suspending of goods and delivering of catering goods to a vehicle.