Review of TRIPS Implementing Legislation - Search


Article 63.2 of the TRIPS Agreement requires Members to notify the laws and regulations made effective by that Member pertaining to the subject matter of the Agreement to the Council for TRIPS in order to assist the Council in its review of the operation of the Agreement.

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Document symbol Notifying Member Member raising question Question Answer Date of document distribution  
IP/Q/NZL/1 New Zealand United States of America 6. Please explain how Sections 12(6) and 76 of the Copyright Act comply with Berne Article 9(2) and TRIPS Article 13, which require limitations and exceptions to exclusive rights to be limited to certain special cases which do not conflict with a normal exploitation of the work and do not unreasonably prejudice the legitimate interests of the rightholder.
Sections 12(6) and 76 of the Copyright Act allow the Crown to use copyright works associated with medicines imported under the Medicines Act without infringing copyright. This enables the Crown to import legitimately produced copies of off-patent medicines where a medicine is not being supplied to the New Zealand market or is only available on unreasonable terms. The Crown can, therefore, ensure that the New Zealand public is not deprived of the benefits of the medicine. (This power has not been used by the Crown.) Accordingly, these provisions are not encompassed by Berne Article 9(2), which does not cover distribution rights. Neither is it covered by TRIPS Article 13 by virtue of TRIPS Article 6 (exhaustion of intellectual property rights).
IP/Q/NZL/1 New Zealand United States of America 7. Please explain the meaning and application of the “incidental copying” exception in Sections 41 and 175.
Incidental copying, whether accidental or intentional, of a copyright work is provided for so long as the focus of the work containing the copied item is not that of the included item. It should be noted, however, that the deliberate copying of certain works is specifically excluded. The intention, therefore, is not to unreasonably prejudice the legitimate interests of the author (Berne Article 9(2)). By way of an example, the reporting of a news event, which included a television broadcast present in the background, and therefore incidental to the broadcast, would not infringe copyright in the broadcast which was accidentally shown.
IP/Q/NZL/1 New Zealand United States of America 8. Please explain how the provisions of Sections 44 to 48, 68, 70, 71, 79, 81, 87, 186 and 188 comply with Berne Articles 9(2) and 10(2) and TRIPS Articles 13 and 14.6, which restrict the scope of permissible limitations on exclusive rights.
New Zealand considers that Sections 44-48, 68, 70, 71, 79, 81, 87, 186 and 188 comply with Berne and TRIPS, by virtue of being permitted exceptions and limitations on the rights granted under these two treaties for the reasons outlined below: -Sections 44-48 are concerned with educational purposes. Provision is made in certain circumstances for copying to be done for educational purposes; the performing, playing or showing a work in public for educational purposes; and the recording of a broadcast or cable programme for educational purposes. These limitations on owners' rights are, however, tightly prescribed including, in the case of copying of a sound recording or recording a broadcast or cable programme, not permitting the copying or recording where licenses are available under a licensing scheme. Sections 44-48 do, therefore, comply with Berne Articles 9(2) and 10(2) and TRIPS Article 13; -Section 68 is intended to deal with the situation where, for example, there is a speech or oration delivered without any notes. As copyright can only vest in a tangible expression of a work, this provision enables the speaker to obtain copyright by virtue of the speech or oration having been written down or broadcast while also enabling the writer or broadcaster, as the recorder, an opportunity to use the recording. Such use is, however, subject to limitations including the right of the speaker to prohibit the recording; The provision is considered necessary in order to comply with Berne Articles 2(1), 7(1), 8, 9(1), 10(1), and 10bis(1). The limitations in Section 68(1) are considered to provide appropriate protection for the copyright owner in terms of Berne Article 9(2) and TRIPS Article 13; -Section 70 concerning a public reading or recitation complies with Berne Articles 9(2) and 11ter since it is limited to a reading: -by one person only; -only to a reasonable extent; -which provides sufficient acknowledgement; and -which, if it involves a sound recording or broadcast, is using mainly material other than the public reading or recitation; -Section 71, concerning abstracts of scientific or technical articles, is in compliance with Berne Article 9(2) and TRIPS Article 13 in that abstracts are not a reproduction of the work and do not, therefore, conflict with the normal exploitation of the work nor unreasonably prejudice the legitimate interests of the author; The abstracts are intended to aid in the dissemination of information. It is arguable that the abstracts are original works in their own right and, therefore, enjoy copyright protection; -Section 79 permits educational establishments and libraries to rent non-infringing copies of computer programmes, sound recordings or films for non-profit reasons. As TRIPS Article 11 is only concerned with "commercial rental", this exception is permissible; -Sections 81 and 186 relate to the playing of a sound recording in a club, society or other organization which is primarily concerned with religion, education or social welfare, which is not established for profit and where any proceeds from admission are applied for the benefit of the club, society or organization. As these provisions only provide for playing sound recordings and not reproducing sound recordings they are not inconsistent with Berne or with TRIPS Articles 14.1 and 14.2. In respect to TRIPS Article 13, the purpose and nature of the limitations are consistent with this Article; and -Section 188 provides for the playing or showing of a broadcast or cable programme to an audience not paying for admission to the place where the broadcast or cable programme is heard. It includes, for example, prisons and clubs or societies but does not include hotels, motels or camping grounds. The limitation on this exception is in terms of TRIPS Article 14.6 and is consistent with TRIPS Article 13.
IP/Q/NZL/1 New Zealand United States of America [Follow-up question] Please explain how the texts of the exceptions contained in the sections listed in this question have been limited in operation or application, so as to bring them within the permissible limitations on rights set forth in Berne and TRIPS.
The exceptions referred to in this question fall within the permissible limitations on rights envisaged in Berne and TRIPS either because the exceptions have been tightly proscribed, for example, Sections 44-48 of the Act relating to education or because the exception by its nature does not conflict with the normal exploitation of the work or unreasonably prejudice the legitimate interests of an author, for example, abstracts of scientific or technical articles.
IP/Q/NZL/1 New Zealand United States of America 9. Please explain the meaning and application of the phrase “available under a licensing scheme” in Section 45(5), 48(2), 88(3) and 91(4).
Sections 45, 48, 88 and 91 of the Copyright Act 1994 allow copying in some particular circumstances. However, if a licensing scheme for copyright owners is in operation such copying can only be undertaken in terms of the license. For example, schools are permitted to copy broadcasts under Section 48(1). Once a licensing scheme is established they will no longer be able to do so under Section 48(2) unless they comply with the requirements of the license. A licensing scheme is defined in the Act (Section 2), as a scheme which sets out: "(a)the classes of cases in which the operator of the scheme, or the person on whose behalf the operator acts, is willing to grant copyright licences; and (b)the terms on which copyright licences would be granted in those classes of cases ..."
IP/Q/NZL/1 New Zealand United States of America 10. Please explain how Section 192 complies with TRIPS Article 14.1, which requires performers to have the right to prevent the unauthorized reproductions of fixations of their performances.
Section 192 of the Copyright Act 1994 provides that an independent tribunal, the Copyright Tribunal, may make an order giving consent to the making of a copy of a recording. In making any order under the Section, the Tribunal must consider a number of matters. These matters include consideration of whether the withholding of consent by the performer relates to the protection of any legitimate interests of the performer and whether payment should be made to the performer. New Zealand considers that the applicable Rome provision is Article 15.2. This permits limitations in respect to the rights of performers where similar limitations are provided for in respect to copyright. As New Zealand provides for licensing schemes in regard to copyright (Section 153 of the Act refers), Rome Article 15.2 permits similar limitations in respect to performers. [Follow-up question] To the extent that compulsory licenses are granted in New Zealand for the reproduction of fixations of live performances or other sound recordings, what criteria are applied to the grant of such licenses and what limitations are incorporated into such licenses? How is the grant of such licenses consistent with TRIPS Article 13? The making of an order by the Copyright Tribunal requires that the Tribunal has regard to a number of matters before making an order thereby ensuring consistency with TRIPs Article 13. These include the following matters (section 192 of the Act): - There has been compliance with the serving or publication of notices. - The performer's reasons for withholding consent do not include the protection of any legitimate interests of the performer. - The recording from which it is proposed to make a copy was made with the performer's consent and is lawfully in the possession of the person proposing to make the copy. - The making of a copy of the recording is consistent with the obligations of the parties to the arrangement under which the recording was made or is otherwise consistent with the purposes for which the recording was made. If an order is made after taking these matters into account and the parties do not agree on payment, then the Tribunal shall make an order as it sees fit.
IP/Q/NZL/1 New Zealand United States of America 11. Please explain how Section 92 of the Copyright Act complies with Berne Article 2(3), which provides that translations, adaptations, arrangements of music and other alterations of a literary or artistic work shall be protected as original works without prejudice to the copyright in the original work.
Section 92 of the Copyright Act 1994 is intended to ensure that where an adaptation which is itself a literary, dramatic or musical work, that any act done in respect to that adaptation will not infringe copyright in the original work. It should be noted that Section 82 does not diminish the rights conferred by Berne Articles 2(3) and 12, in respect of adaptations, to any greater extent than that permitted with respect to the original works from which an adaptation is made.
IP/Q/NZL/1 New Zealand United States of America 12. Please explain whether and how New Zealand law protects computer programmes and other works from being loaded into a computer and displayed on a monitor without authorization, as required by TRIPS Article 10.1, and by Berne Articles 9(1) and 11 to 14, as incorporated through TRIPS Article 9.1.
Computer programmes are protected under the Copyright Act 1994 by virtue of: -being a literary work (Section 2(1)(a) "Literary work" refers); -copyright existing in original literary works (Section 14(1)(a) refers); -copyright owners having exclusive rights including the right to copy a work (Section 16(1)(a) refers) which includes reproducing or recording the work in any material form (Section 2(1) "Copyright" refers) and the right to adapt a work (Section 16(1)(g) refers) which, in the case of a computer programme, includes conversion of it into a different computer language or work (Section 2(1) "Adaptation" refers); and -copyright infringement occurring where a person, other than the copyright owner, does any restricted act (Section 29 refers). These provisions meet the requirements of both Berne and TRIPS.
IP/Q/NZL/1 New Zealand United States of America [Follow-up question] (1) Does the reproduction right for computer programmes and other works under New Zealand law cover temporary reproductions in the memory of a computer? (2) Does New Zealand law provide protection against the unauthorized display of a work on a computer screen or monitor?
It is an infringement of the rights of an owner of copyright to copy the owner's work (Section 30 of the Act). In relation to a literary work (which includes computer programmes) copying is defined as including the storing of a work "in any medium by any means" (Section 2(1) "copying" of the Act refers). This definition of copying would, therefore be applicable to a situation involving the storing of a work in a computer memory or displaying a work on a computer screen.
IP/Q/NZL/1 New Zealand United States of America 13. Please explain the criminal and civil remedies available for copyright infringement and the extent to which they fully implement the obligations in TRIPS Articles 41, 45, 50 and 61. In the response, please specify, inter alia, whether these remedies may include the seizure, forfeiture and destruction of infringing articles and equipment used to make the infringing articles, as required by Articles 46 and 61, and the manner in which the grant of civil provisional relief is provided in accordance with TRIPS Article 50.
The criminal and civil remedies available in New Zealand for copyright infringement and the way in which the TRIPS Articles are implemented are shown in the attached table: [Part of the response is in Table format]
IP/Q/SVK/1 Slovak Republic United States of America 1. Please explain whether and how the law of the Slovak Republic provides protection for works, phonograms and performances from other WTO Members, and whether and how it does so on the basis of national treatment, as required by TRIPS Article 3 (generally, with respect to all copyrights and neighbouring rights) and Article 9.1 (incorporating Berne Article 5(1)). In particular, please explain how national treatment is afforded with respect to the distribution of levies for private copying under the relevant provisions of the law of the Slovak Republic.
IP/Q/SVK/1 Slovak Republic United States of America 2. Does the Slovak Republic apply the "rule of the shorter term" to phonograms and performances from other WTO Members? If so, please explain how you justify such action under TRIPS Article 4.
IP/Q/SVK/1 Slovak Republic United States of America 3. Please explain whether and how the Slovak Republic protects against both the direct and indirect reproduction of phonograms as required by TRIPS Article 14.2, including by digital transmission in the context of interactive services.
IP/Q/SVK/1 Slovak Republic United States of America 4. Please explain whether and how the Slovak Republic provides full retroactive protection to works, phonograms and performances from other WTO Members, as required by TRIPS Articles 9.1, 14.6 and 70.2, each of which incorporate by reference or rely upon Berne Article 18. Please give the date back to which such protection extends with respect to each category of subject matter.
IP/Q/GBR/1 United Kingdom United States of America 1. Please explain whether and how the United Kingdom's law provides protection for works, phonograms and performances from other WTO Members, and whether and how it does so on the basis of national treatment, as required by TRIPS Article 3 (generally, with respect to all copyrights and neighbouring rights) and Article 9.1 (incorporating Berne Article 5(1)). In particular, please indicate how national treatment is afforded with respect to the distribution of levies for private copying under Article 44 of the Copyright Act.
In respect of copyright and those related rights provided for in Section 1 of Part II of the TRIPS Agreement, copyright works (and in UK law phonograms are treated as a category of copyright work) from other countries and foreign performances are given the same protection as works and performances of UK origin thus satisfying the national treatment requirements of Articles 3 and 9.1. UK copyright law is applied to works from other countries by orders made under Section 159 of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988; performers from countries designated in orders made under Section 208 of that Act enjoy protection in respect of their performances. The Copyright (Application to Other Countries) (Amendment) Order 1995 (SI 1995 No. 2987) and the Performances (Reciprocal Protection) (Convention Countries) Order 1995 (SI 1995 No. 2990) made under these Sections respectively gave effect to the UK's obligation to other WTO countries from 1 January 1996 where these obligations were not already met by existing Orders implementing the UK's obligations under other international copyright conventions or otherwise. UK copyright law has no provisions relating to the distribution of levies for private copying.
IP/Q/GBR/1 United Kingdom United States of America [Follow-up question] Please explain whether and how any revenues generated from the imposition of private copying or blank tape levies in the United Kingdom are distributed on the basis of national treatment to rightholders on the basis of national treatment to rightholders from all WTO Members, regardless of the type of rightholder.
The UK has no blank tape, equipment or any other levy for private copying, which is why it answered that there are no provisions relating to the distribution of levies.
IP/Q/GBR/1 United Kingdom United States of America 2. Does the United Kingdom apply the "rule of the shorter term" to phonograms and performances from other WTO Members? If so, please explain how you justify such action under TRIPS Article 4.
The UK term of protection for producers of sound recordings and performers is 50 years from the end of the calendar year in which the recording is made (i.e. fixation) or the performance takes place respectively, that is the minimum term set out in Article 14.5 of TRIPS. If during this period the recording, or a recording of the performance, is released, the term expires 50 years from the end of the calendar year in which it is released. US producers and performers will only receive a term longer than 50 years, which can apply where a recording is not released in the year it is made or the year of the performance, if the term is not longer than that applying in the US.
IP/Q/GBR/1 United Kingdom United States of America 3. Please explain whether and how the United Kingdom protects against both the direct and indirect reproduction of phonograms as required by TRIPS Article 14.2, including by digital transmission in the context of subscription or interactive services.
Under UK law, copyright in a sound recording gives the owner of copyright the exclusive right to copy the work (see Section 16(1)(a) of the 1988 Act) and action is possible for copyright infringement where unauthorised copying of the sound recording occurs. Moreover, Section 16(3)(b) specifically states that this restricted Act applies whether done directly or indirectly and regardless of whether any intervening Acts infringe copyright. This will cover copying of a sound recording from a digital transmission.
IP/Q/GBR/1 United Kingdom United States of America [Follow-up question] Does the reproduction right for phonograms under United Kingdom law include in its scope reproductions made from broadcasts?
The UK has already said in its original answer that the reproduction right for an owner of copyright in a sound recording will cover copying of a sound recording from a digital transmission. Copying of a sound recording from a broadcast, whether digital or otherwise, will also be covered by the reproduction right for the same reasons as set out in the original answer.
IP/Q/GBR/1 United Kingdom United States of America 4. Please explain whether and how the United Kingdom provides full retroactive protection to works, phonograms and performances from other WTO Members, as required by TRIPS Articles 9.1, 14.6 and 70.2, each of which incorporate by reference or rely upon Berne Article 18. Please give the date back to which such protection extends with respect to each category of subject matter. Additionally, please describe the way in which Article 7 of the United Kingdom’s Copyright Orders will apply to those who relied on the public domain status of a work after copyright protection is restored, or is provided to a work that is still protected in its country of origin and has not had a full term of protection in the United Kingdom. In particular, we are interested in learning if there are any limitations on the activities of these reliance parties either in scope or duration.
Copyright works, including phonograms (which are treated as such - see answer to question 1), and performers from other countries are protected as explained in answer to Question 1. There is no single date to which the protection extends back since protection is always future protection but is given in respect of an existing copyright work or recording of a particular performance after it has qualified for protection in respect of any period which continues to subsist calculated from the date prior to qualification on which the work or recording of that performance was made, as required by TRIPS. Whether protection exists therefore depends upon whether the term, which would have applied to a particular work or recording of a performance had it always been protected, has expired. Existing sound recordings made from at least as long ago as 1946 may be protected in the UK. The Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 (which has been amended by the Duration of Copyright and Rights in Performances Regulations 1995) in paragraph 12 of Schedule 1 confirms the term of protection in the Copyright Act 1956 for sound recordings made before 1 June 1957 (i.e. the date of commencement of the 1956 Act). The 1956 Act in paragraph 11 of Schedule 7 gives a term of 50 years from making for sound recordings made before commencement of the Act. The 1995 Regulations may result in sound recordings made before 1946 being protected. For literary, dramatic, musical and artistic works, under the 1995 Regulations mentioned above, protection may apply to existing works where the author died 70 years ago, i.e. in 1926. The 1988 Act, which the 1995 Regulations amend, confirmed the protection for works made before commencement of that Act in paragraph 12 of Schedule 1 by reference to Sections 2 and 3 of the 1956 Act, which should be read in the light of the transitional provisions in Schedule 7 of the 1956 Act with regard to works existing before commencement of the 1956 Act. The Copyright (Application to Other Countries) Order 1993 as amended by the 1995 Order mentioned above gives effect to retroactive protection, subject, of course, to the term of protection having not already ceased, for all copyright works from all WTO countries. The 1995 Order does not restore any copyright because Article 18 of Berne does not require works that have already fallen into the public domain through expiry of copyright protection to be protected. Article 7 of the 1993 Order (amended by the 1995 Order) gives some protection to those who have or may be about to use a work newly protected by copyright. Article 7 allows the continued doing of certain acts unless the copyright owner pays compensation as settled by arbitration in the absence of agreement. How long the Act can be continued would depend on whether the Act fell within the scope of the Article. It would ultimately be for the courts to decide whether this is the case in any particular circumstances. As far as performers rights are concerned, the 1995 Order mentioned above in reply to Question 1 grants reciprocal protection, i.e. the same as that applying under Part II of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 to UK performers (except where there are limitations on this reciprocity as is indicated in the relevant Order). TRIPS Article 14.6 requires Article 18 of Berne to extend only to those rights of performers in sound recordings granted by TRIPS. By definition, the only right relevant here is the right to authorise the reproduction of a fixation of a performance. Section 180(3) in Part II of the 1988 Act ensures that insofar as rights in recordings are concerned, those rights apply after qualification to recordings of performances made prior to qualification except that no act carried out in relation to such a recording either prior to qualification, or after qualification but in pursuance of arrangements made before qualification, can be an infringement of rights arising after qualification. As with copyright, the extent to which existing performances are protected depends on whether the term of protection, had the performance always been protected, has already expired.

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