Minutes - TRIPS Council - View details of the intervention/statement

Mr. Joshua C.K. Law (Hong Kong, China)
B.i Follow-up to reviews already undertaken
6. The Chairman said that the Secretariat had updated its informal note that listed all the outstanding material required to complete the reviews that the Council had already undertaken (JOB(04)/67). The table attached to the note listed the 15 Members whose reviews had been initiated at the Council's meetings since April 2001 but which remained on the Council's agenda. The table referred to submissions, including both responses and follow-up questions, received by 7 June 2004. 7. He recalled that, at its last meeting, the Council had initiated the review of national implementing legislation of the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia. Since that meeting, Switzerland had posed one follow-up question to the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (IP/C/W/419/Add.1). 8. The Chairman turned to the remaining 14 Members, namely Congo; Cuba; Egypt; Fiji; Grenada; Mauritius; Nigeria; Pakistan; Qatar; Saint Kitts and Nevis; Saint Vincent and the Grenadines; Suriname; Swaziland; and Zimbabwe.