Minutes - TRIPS Council - View details of the intervention/statement

Mr. Joshua C.K. Law (Hong Kong, China)
B.ii Review of legislation of Armenia
18. The Chairman recalled that, at its meeting in June 2003, the Council had agreed to review the legislation of Armenia, a newly acceded Member, at its meeting in March 2004. However, at that meeting, the Council, upon a request from the Government of Armenia, had decided to postpone the review to the present meeting. Armenia's notification of its TRIPS laws and regulations had been circulated in document IP/N/1/ARM/1, and the texts of the notified laws in the relevant law series of documents. Its responses to the Checklist of Issues on Enforcement had been circulated in IP/N/6/ARM/1. Armenia had received questions from Switzerland (IP/C/W/419). Its responses to these questions had been circulated in document IP/C/W/422. 19. In accordance with the standard procedures, the delegation of Armenia provided a brief introductory overview of the structure of its legislation in the areas covered by the TRIPS Agreement and of the changes that it had had to bring about in order to make the legislation compatible with the Agreement. The record of the introductory statement as well as the questions put to it and the responses given (including responses to any follow-up questions posed after the meeting) would be circulated in a document with the following symbols: IP/Q/ARM/1, IP/Q2/ARM/1, IP/Q3/ARM/1 and IP/Q4/ARM/1.