Minutes - TRIPS Council - View details of the intervention/statement

Mr. Tony Miller (Hong Kong, China)
1. The Chairman informed the Council that, since its meeting in December 2004, it had received a number of supplements and updates to earlier notifications of laws and regulations. Albania had updated the notification of its laws and regulations that was circulated in 2001; the Czech Republic had notified a law relating to border measures and certain amendments to its intellectual property legislation; Japan had provided an updated text of its Seeds and Seedlings Laws; and Jamaica had notified amendments to its copyright legislation and industrial property fees and a law concerning its accession to the Nairobi Treaty on the Protection of the Olympic Symbol. These notifications were being circulated in the IP/N/1/- series of documents. He urged those Members whose initial notifications remained incomplete to submit the outstanding material without delay, and reminded other Members of their obligation to notify any subsequent amendments of their laws and regulations without delay after their entry into force. 2. As regards notifications of contact points under Article 69, he said that, since the Council's meeting in December, updates to contact points notified earlier had been received from Albania, the Slovak Republic and the United States. These notifications had been circulated in document IP/N/3/Rev.8/Add.2. There were now 121 Members who had notified contact points under Article 69.