Minutes - TRIPS Council - View details of the intervention/statement

Ambassador Gail Mathurin (Jamaica)
121. The representative of Brazil, recalling his statement at the Council's previous meeting (paragraphs 104-105 of IP/C/M/56), said that he acknowledged the complexities that involved a positive decision on the pending 17 requests for observer status in the Council. However, these complexities should not prevent the Council from continuing to work towards a positive solution that would be acceptable to all. Like India, his delegation considered the CBD to be a special case due to the fact that CBD issues were directly considered by the Council at least under three of its permanent agenda items. It would be fair and right to allow the CBD Secretariat to be present at these meetings. 122. He said that he had supported the efforts by the Council's previous Chair to hold consultations on this issue and that he would appreciate it if the current Chair could continue those efforts to see if it would be possible to make progress. At the Council's previous meeting, his delegation had noted that one delegation who had had an issue with the CBD being allowed into the meetings had been able to move towards accepting the CBD Secretariat as an ad hoc invitee on a meeting-by-meeting basis, which was the kind of solution that had been adopted in the CTESS for the CBD. Exploring these new avenues could help the Council to make progress on this important issue.