Minutes - TRIPS Council - View details of the intervention/statement

Mr. Martin Glass (Hong Kong, China)
389. The representative of Japan expressed his appreciation of Tanzania's work to submit its priority needs which formed a good basis to discuss assistance. He also thanked the Secretariat for organizing two regional workshops on LDC needs assessment, to which Japan had contributed by dispatching technical experts. At these workshops, Japan had explained the technical cooperation it provided to LDCs through the JICA, WIPO and WCO, including the funds in trust for LDC countries in WIPO. Japan had had bilateral meetings with 10 countries during the workshops, including Uganda, Bangladesh and Tanzania, which had already submitted their priority needs. Japan had explained its basic scheme for technical cooperation, including the coordination between the government of the potential beneficiary country and the embassy in that country. He believed that Japan and LDCs shared the view that it was important to integrate IPR capacity building needs with the overall development strategy. Japan would continue to make efforts to deepen mutual understanding between developed countries and LDCs for the purpose of TRIPS compliance by LDC Members.