Minutes - TRIPS Council - View details of the intervention/statement

Ambassador Federico A. González (Paraguay) (24-25 October) and Mr. Martin Glass (Hong Kong, China) (17 November)
418. The representative of New Zealand said that her delegation welcomed the Australian Government's decision to legislate for the plain packaging of tobacco products. The negative effects of smoking, which was the leading preventable cause of early death in New Zealand, could not be overstated. She said that it was within a Member's right to implement necessary measures to protect public health and her delegation had noted the clear assurances by Australia in past discussions that it had paid close attention and respected its WTO obligations in developing its plain packaging proposal. She further noted the numerous scientific studies demonstrating that plain packaging of tobacco products could lead to positive public health outcomes by reducing the attractiveness and desirability of smoking and increasing the prominence of public health warnings. It was her delegation's view that, as part of a comprehensive suite of tobacco control measures, plain packaging could contribute to efforts to reduce smoking rates.