Minutes - TRIPS Council - View details of the intervention/statement

H.E. Ambassador Dr Walter Werner
Chad on behalf of Least-developed countries

361.   I would also like to support what Bangladesh has just stated and clarified. On behalf of the Coordinator of the LDC Group I would like to thank Members for their support, and we can clearly see the importance of Article 66.2 of the TRIPS Agreement for LDCs as Members have all recalled, the significant challenges and restrictions that LDCs face. I think the effective implementation of this Article could help us to reduce these obstacles for LDCs. The Group of LDCs really does take note of the questions and observations raised by the Members, Canada, Australia, the European Union, United States, Switzerland and other Members. We will come back as soon as we possibly can to provide even further clarifications with regard to the concerns expressed. The group of LDCs remains always open, flexible and constructive in its approach.

39.   The Chair said that the Central African Republic, on behalf of the LDC Group, had requested the inclusion of the agenda item "LDC Group Proposal on the Implementation of Article 66.2 of the TRIPS Agreement". Reference had been made to an earlier communication from the LDC Group, on the same topic, that had already been introduced at the Council's last meeting (circulated in document IP/C/W/640). As requested by Bangladesh on behalf of the LDC Group, he had also facilitated an informal meeting between representatives from the LDC Group and developed country Members, which had taken place the previous week. Those initial discussions of the LDC Group Proposal had focused on the incentives needed to encourage companies to transfer technologies to LDCs and on the reporting mechanism. They had been very constructive.
40.   As follow up to that initial discussion, the LDC Group had also made available an illustrative list of incentives for consideration by Members. Printed copies of the room document RD/IP/24 had been made available for delegations in French and English.
41.   The representatives of Chad, on behalf of the LDC Group; Bangladesh; the United States; India; Norway; New Zealand; the European Union; Canada; Australia; Switzerland; Japan; Brazil; and Nepal took the floor.
42.   The Chair said that he would continue to facilitate consultations amongst Members to find possible solutions.
43.   Council took note of the statements made.
IP/C/M/89, IP/C/M/89/Add.1