Minutes - TRIPS Council - View details of the intervention/statement

H.E. Ambassador Lundeg Purevsuren
World Trade Organization

374.   As on previous occasions, the Secretariat will provide a brief update of the issues related to intellectual property policy that have come up in the most recent Trade Policy Reviews. 375.   Since the last TRIPS Council meeting in October last year, the 5th Trade Policy Review of Peru and the 1st Trade Policy Review of Lao PDR have taken place. These reviews covered a very wide range of intellectual property and related trade policy issues. During these reviews, developed and developing-country Members have continued to actively register their interest in TRIPS-related issues, by addressing specific follow-up questions, including:  National Intellectual Property Policy and its incorporation into the development strategy;  Copyright exceptions;  Protection of computer programmes, databases and domain names;  Registration of holograms, colour marks, sound marks and position marks;  Geographical indications and considerations of cultural characteristics;  Exceptions to patent rights;  Trade secrets;  Regime for the collective knowledge of indigenous peoples relating to biological resources; conduct of bioprospecting and harmonization of commercial interest vs. protection of indigenous rights;  Enforcement, online and at the border;  Judicial remedies;  Anticompetitive practices; and  Accession and Ratification of WIPO instruments. 376.   The chart on the screen shows the frequency and type of TRIPS related follow-up questions raised by Members during the trade policy reviews that took place over the last two years.6

The Council took note of the information provided.
48.   The Chair invited the Secretariat to report on IP-related issues that had been considered in the context of individual Members' trade policy reviews.
49.   A representative of the Secretariat took the floor.
50.   The Council took note of the information provided.
IP/C/M/94, IP/C/M/94/Add.1

6 The PowerPoint slide is available in Room Document RD/IP/38.