Minutes - TRIPS Council - View details of the intervention/statement

Ambassador Carlos Pérez del Castillo (Uruguay)
59. The representative of Singapore said that Article 23.4 referred basically to wines and that, if a case had to be made for expansion, it had to be done under Article 22.2. He found the argument put forth by New Zealand to be persuasive that, before one could establish a system, the Council first had to agree on the kind of system Members wanted to have. In his delegation's view, this should be a simple system which would have the least amount of burden. As to who was to administer the system, he expressed doubts as to whether it would be appropriate to entrust this to the WTO Secretariat, since the WTO Secretariat was not set up to carry out this kind of administration. As suggested by others, WIPO was so set up, but one first had to carefully examine what was needed in terms of administration and how this could best be achieved. As to the system for protection, his delegation's experience, when working on his country's geographical indications legislation, was that the trademark area was not really appropriate to protect geographical indications.