Minutes - TRIPS Council - View details of the intervention/statement

Ambassador Chak Mun See (Singapore)
40. The Chairperson recalled that the Council had agreed, at its last meeting, to focus on technical cooperation at today's meeting. In preparation for this annual review, developed country Members had once more been requested to update information on their technical and financial cooperation activities relevant to the implementation of the TRIPS Agreement in time for this meeting. In addition, international intergovernmental organizations observers to the Council as well as the WTO Secretariat had also been invited to do the same. The resulting documentation concerning the technical cooperation activities of developed country Members could be found in documents IP/C/W/203 and addenda, and of intergovernmental organizations in documents IP/C/W/202 and addenda. Updated information on the WTO Secretariat's technical cooperation activities in the TRIPS area could be found in document IP/C/W/201.