Minutes - TRIPS Council Special Session - View details of the intervention/statement

Ambassador Manzoor Ahmad (Pakistan)
146. The Chairman said that the TNC Chair had called, at the meeting of 14 February, for "appropriate positive elements in each negotiating area" to be available to the TNC by July 2005 and had also referred to "first approximations" from the negotiating groups by that time, while making it clear that the nature of the first approximations might differ between areas. He also recalled the statement he had made at that TNC meeting that it would be necessary for delegations to show greater flexibility than had been the case hitherto if the Special Session was to make a contribution to the "first approximations". In the light of these points and of the fact that there was only one meeting scheduled before the July marker, that was on 16-17 June 2005, he asked delegations for their suggestion on how to proceed further with the work.
It was so agreed.